La Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Seccional Montería, EKA University of Applied Sciences de Letonia, Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible del Gobierno de Colombia, la Gobernación de Córdoba y la Corporación Autónoma Regional de los Valles del Sinú y San Jorge – CVS te invita a reflexionar sobre los avances teóricos, metodológicos y prácticos de la bio-economía circular en el contexto nacional e internacional con el fin de contribuir a los objetivos del desarrollo sostenible declarados en la agenda 2030.
Professor at the Riga Technical University (Latvia). She has more than 25 years’ experience in lecturing both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Her research interests focus on circular economy, green production and consumption; change of consumer behavior; corporate social and environmental responsibility; sustainable building, real estate management, project management and use of ICT in many areas. Dr. Tambovceva has published more than 150 articles in national and international academic journals. She is a member and an expert in a number of international Societies, Councils and Foundations. She is the Managing Editor of the Scientific Journal “Economics and Business” and Head deputy of the Department of Civil Construction and Real Estate Economics and Management at the Riga Technical University in Latvia.
(, PhD. Cand.) is a Lecturer at the EKA University of applied Sciences (Latvia); he also a director of the Master study programme “Circular economy and social entrepreneurship”. He has created and runs more than 10 innovative study courses in several Latvian universities - digital economy, digital technologies, artificial intelligence, digital tools and their applications and many more. He is the author of several digital tools, such as the Virtual Economy Cabinet and several simulation online games for students. The digital materials, programs and methods developed by Cerkovskis are still used in the largest Latvian learning centers - Riga Distance Learning Secondary School, European Distance Learning Center, Latvian Distance Learning Professional Center and European Distance Learning Secondary School. One of the most important works is the development and approbation of the Education Quality Index in Latvian schools, as well as the introduction of Virtual Reality in 3 Latvian schools.
Vice-Rector for Science, Head of the Scientific Institution and Professor at the EKA University of Applied Sciences. She is a researcher in the Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Science and Expert of the Lithuanian Research Council. She is a coordinator of the international research group “Sustainable Development and Circular Economy”. J.T. is an expert in the fields of Education, and Economics and Entrepreneurship of the Latvian Council of Science; an author of more than 70 scientific papers in the field of economics, business, management and education; an expert representing Latvia in the Eurydice study “Digital Education at School in Europe”. Since 2014, J.T. is a member of the group working on implementation of the Latvian Strategy for Financial Literacy (2013-2020; 2021-2027). Since 2023, J.T. is a Board Member of the Association of Latvian Economists, and also a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Marketing and Management Association
Ingeniero Ambiental, especialista en Derecho del Medio Ambiente y Magister en Gobierno y Política Pública. Con experiencia en el sector público y privado en la gestión ambiental y de la biodiversidad en la conformación de planes y proyectos con integración del valor socioambiental y los negocios verdes. Contratista del Ministerio de Ambiente
MBA -Magister en Administración de Empresas de la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar. y Formadora en emprendimiento e innovación. Emprendedora en el sector de la restauración y bienes raíces. Asesora empresarial en las áreas de emprendimiento, diseño organizacional y estrategia.
Maestrando Maestría en Derecho de los Negocios Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña - ADEN University. Especialista Gerencia Estratégica de Negocios George Washington University, Washington DC. Actualmente es Secretario de Competitividad y Cooperación Internacional de la Gobernación de Córdoba.
Asesora Formación Continua
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Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad Multicampus. Resolución 17228 del 24 de octubre de 2018 - 6 años.
Otorgado por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Nit UPB: 890.902.922-6. Todos los derechos reservados